ULAANBAATAR - Matthias Casse (-81kg/JC Fudji Yama Boom/Schelle) was the only Belgian judoka to participate in the Grand Slam of Ulaanbaatar, capital of Mongolia. This tournament on the IJF World Judo Tour took place from June 23-25.
The Belgian judoka competed on Saturday, June 24. His first fight after World Championship silver did not go as expected and ended abruptly. In his first match against the Japanese Kenya Kohara, the latter was able to score a point in the third minute. Matthias failed to rectify this again in the remaining time of the fight and thus had an early exit from the tournament.

Volgende afspraak op de wedstrijdmat voor Matthias zijn de Masters in Boedapest van 4 t.e.m. 6 augustus e.k.